Turbulence due to many-headed bad that we have responsibilities. When the exam season comes, it seems we want the feeling of drowsiness as never descend to pursue learning it 24 hours is not enough. Sleepy while driving can cause the wheel while we fall asleep and wake up when we have the sexton. Born from the results of research the National Chiao-Tung University, National Cheng-Kung University, and University of California, there are solutions to dispel the feeling of drowsiness. Hat that can read signals from the brain will know when you are sleepy. Hat this can build up your voice and when you start to doze. Sophisticated technology, still in the development of the technology elektronic home. If this technology is terealisasikan, you can control the Peralatan electronics in your home such as TV, refrigerator, AC, etc. with only understand it because this hat will soon be reading your brain signals.
Hat Readers Signal brain
Turbulence due to many-headed bad that we have responsibilities. When the exam season comes, it seems we want the feeling of drowsiness as never descend to pursue learning it 24 hours is not enough. Sleepy while driving can cause the wheel while we fall asleep and wake up when we have the sexton. Born from the results of research the National Chiao-Tung University, National Cheng-Kung University, and University of California, there are solutions to dispel the feeling of drowsiness. Hat that can read signals from the brain will know when you are sleepy. Hat this can build up your voice and when you start to doze. Sophisticated technology, still in the development of the technology elektronic home. If this technology is terealisasikan, you can control the Peralatan electronics in your home such as TV, refrigerator, AC, etc. with only understand it because this hat will soon be reading your brain signals.
Fresh Fruit without refrigerator
When you walk to the supermarket, you will be tempted to buy the fruits. You had to buy 1 kg, 1 seed I buy a prestige don't you?? ... ... .. not just the taste. The rest, surely rot in the fridge because you forgot or did not eat more eager. BLUE now have technology that can maintain the freshness of fruits without added to the refrigerator. Fruits can be placed always on the table. With special light emission technology that can kill pathogenic bacteria on fruits and fruit still fresh, will make you crave still eat fruit you have. Unfortunately, not mentioned how long it can maintain the freshness BLUE fruits you.
Hydroxyl, found in the atmosphere of Venus
Hydroxyl molecules is important that is difficult detect. Molecule is composed of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Molecule is found in the surface of venus, about 100 KM above the surface to find the atmosphere of venus Venus Express is the (space vehicle that has a mission deep into the planet venus)
Molecular confusing this successfully detected after venus express dissociate from the surface and the surface of venus venus yangÃ, Â overcast. Hydroxyl detected by measuring the level of infra red emanated by venus.
There isÃ, Â thought that the hydroxyl is critical for the planet because the atmosphere is very reactive. The earth itself, perperan this hydroxyl to clean the pollutant from the atmosphere and help maintain stability of carbon dioxide, prevent changes to carbon monokside.Di Mars, a role for hydroxyl maintain sterility of land, prevent the microbes into the surface Mars.
venus express
In the atmosphere of the earth, Hydroxyl very large number of ozone associated with preparing the atmosphere of the earth's surface. The researchers ilmuan Venus still calculates the approximate amount of ozone that is at the atmosferÃ, Â planet venus. Hydroxyl condition in itself is not stable, Venus can reach 50% in one hand and the weakening or strongly on the other hand, this is of course also means that the amount of ozone in the planet is also not stable.
Ozone itself important for life because it can absorb ultraviolet radiation emanated by the sun. Absorption of ultra violet radiation is highly temperature affect a planet, and of course the possibility of life on the planet it .Ã, Â Well, if it turns out Level hydroxyl in venus and The ozone also quite simply, the expectation to be able to stayÃ, Â on the planet may be realized .
Tap water with a touch sensor
This is a sophisticated version of tap water. Sophisticated version? yups,, because the faucet is equipped with touch sensors to activate the blower water. How it works? easy course, a glass paste on the sensor and tap water from the fountain tap, if it is taken that the water is sufficient, then pull back glass from the tap and the sensor will stop the water stream. Easy and practical is not it? Tap water with sensor this idea is from the company Kuna Water
Future already very advanced, and technology is always evolving with the discovery of new founded.
Yamamoto Swim Suit, Speedo LZR competitors
As a preview, Speedo LZR swim shirt is high claimed that increasing the speed atlitnya pool. Well, now have a competitor Speedo. Speedo competitors came from Japan. His name is Yamamoto. If Speedo LZR using materials such as clothing material on the astronauts, the Yamamoto made from this material a more friendly environment, ie, Biorubber.
Be as much media, have made the Speedo LZR body association pool because many of the world world record of successfully solved "easily" as the support Speedo LZR. Nah, Yamamoto made in Japan also intends menorehkan the same achievement. Clothing pool is designed to meet the target Japan grab 5 gold in the upcoming Beijing Olympics.
Now we as the audience is just waiting on the Beijing Olympics, which is faster, the user or the Speedo LZR Yamamoto
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