Yamamoto Swim Suit, Speedo LZR competitors

Selasa, 24 Maret 2009 ·

As a preview, Speedo LZR swim shirt is high claimed that increasing the speed atlitnya pool. Well, now have a competitor Speedo. Speedo competitors came from Japan. His name is Yamamoto. If Speedo LZR using materials such as clothing material on the astronauts, the Yamamoto made from this material a more friendly environment, ie, Biorubber.

Be as much media, have made the Speedo LZR body association pool because many of the world world record of successfully solved "easily" as the support Speedo LZR. Nah, Yamamoto made in Japan also intends menorehkan the same achievement. Clothing pool is designed to meet the target Japan grab 5 gold in the upcoming Beijing Olympics.

Now we as the audience is just waiting on the Beijing Olympics, which is faster, the user or the Speedo LZR Yamamoto

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