Hat Readers Signal brain

Selasa, 24 Maret 2009 ·

Like watching Doraemon? Still remember the Hat Readers doraemon Pikiran property that can control the electronic objects? Hat is realized by the start ilmuan. Read more.

Turbulence due to many-headed bad that we have responsibilities. When the exam season comes, it seems we want the feeling of drowsiness as never descend to pursue learning it 24 hours is not enough. Sleepy while driving can cause the wheel while we fall asleep and wake up when we have the sexton. Born from the results of research the National Chiao-Tung University, National Cheng-Kung University, and University of California, there are solutions to dispel the feeling of drowsiness. Hat that can read signals from the brain will know when you are sleepy. Hat this can build up your voice and when you start to doze. Sophisticated technology, still in the development of the technology elektronic home. If this technology is terealisasikan, you can control the Peralatan electronics in your home such as TV, refrigerator, AC, etc. with only understand it because this hat will soon be reading your brain signals.

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